We Are Happy To Present Our New Blog

Hello everyone. Welcome to our Help Mexico blog.

We’ll try to keep you updated on projects, progress, plans and challenges and also on pertinent issues facing the community. We will share stories of the impact our programs have made in the lives of the locals and how they have touched the lives and hearts of all who contribute toward improving the conditions here.

Watch our one minute video on YouTube. https://youtu.be/MqfWwuzCJXE - please share it with friends, family and contacts.

Donating to the causes you care about not only benefits the charities themselves, it can be deeply rewarding for you too.  Regardless of whether you give your time, skills, knowledge, financial support, or even just help spread the word, you will be a very much appreciated part of a team of caring individuals helping to make some vital and positive changes. YOU can help break the cycle of poverty and despair.

I hope you will join us on our journey. Together we can make a real difference!

Have a great day,


Tony Kohlruss