REACH Mexico

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February 2020


A very good day!

We were able to raise $6,450.00 towards the matching donations. Thank you so much for your generosity!

With your help we have made it through January, February and March.

Thomas and Marcie will be in Mexico until the end of March and have been very busy with the ongoing projects and visiting the community to meet the most urgent needs.

Jose’s family is struggling right now. This short video will explain…

Please Help!

As you've seen in the video, there will be an ongoing outlay to meet the needs of this family.
Please give generously.


Project Updates and Progress

We are very pleased to announce that Wilf and Emelia Davies joined the mission work Jan 23rd. Wilf has taken on the task of rebuilding the fisherman´s boat motor as well as some plumbing at Fidelia’s house and repaired a wheel chair until we can find a much more robust chair for our return trip next year.