REACH Mexico

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Tax Receipts

On behalf of,

We want to thank you for helping to further the Lord's work. 

We need your prayers and support to continue the work that is before us.  

You are helping to make a difference!

We thank the Lord for you, the ministry that He has given us, and the very positive effects we have seen!

It is the Holy Spirit that gives us strength and guides us along this journey of faith and service for His kingdom. 

May the Lord richly bless you as you live your life for Him and help the less fortunate.

Visit us at our page on


We look forward to serving together with you as the Lord leads and guides us!

We have sent out Tax Receipts for 2020. Please check your records and let us know if we missed anything...

 If you have not received them by the end of February please contact us.

Reach Mexico Tax Receipt 2020 NOTICE